Unit Picking Case Study


Activity: Pharma

Location: Rubí (Barcelona)

Description: Preparation of unit orders


Installation of more than 1900 displays distributed in four aisles of 480 displays and four zones per aisle.

To verify the contents of the box, there is a scale that allows the weight to be read in real time.

The weight is sent through the displays' bus, which facilitates computer processing.


Mode PK: TCPIP communications and libraries in C++, .NET and JAVA.

Aquavia SPA

Activity: Hydromassage

Location: Cervera (Lleida)

Description: Preparation of work orders


Installation of 240 displays distributed in two aisles and one zone per aisle.

In this application, the operator selects from the computer the work order to be prepared.

The displays light up and the quantity to be picked appears on the front panel. Each time the operator finishes picking the product from the shelf, he confirms with the “V” key.


Mode PK: TCPIP communications and libraries in C++, .NET and JAVA.


Activity: Pharma

Location: Sant Andreu de la Barca

Description: Preparation of unit orders


Installation of 400 displays on two floors. On the first floor 230 displays and a DPW1 reading module for barcode reading were installed.

On the upper floor, 370 displays and a DPW1 reading module for barcode reading will be installed.


Mode PK: TCPIP communications and libraries in C++, .NET and JAVA.

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